Pet Dental Care in Watertown, SD

It is important to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy. Pet dental care is used to prevent and address oral health issues and other general health problems. Many pet owners schedule one or more visits annually to check on the oral health of their dog or cat. Understand more about what pet dental care involves at Westside Animal Clinic.

What Is Pet Dental Care?

Like their human counterparts, your pet’s mouth can become host to undesirable bacteria. Pet dental care involves an oral exam. Our veterinary staff evaluates the health of the teeth, gums, and jaw. Due to a build-up of plaque, pet dental cleaning may be needed to perform a thorough evaluation. You can prevent or address problems like gum disease with regular visits.

What Are the Benefits?

The advantage is that your pet companion can continue to enjoy good oral health. Any dog or cat that does not regularly go for such a visit may develop loose or broken teeth, bad breath, abnormal chewing patterns, swelling around the mouth, bleeding from gums, or discomfort.

Pets with oral health issues may display behavior such as a refusal to eat. Pets with excellent dental health can enjoy chewing and playing without such an issue. If you notice an increase in irritability or a decrease in appetite, it may be time to schedule a visit with one of our veterinarians. Untreated gum disease or periodontal disease can lead to other health problems like changes to the heart muscle or other organs.

What to Expect from a Pet Dental Care Visit

Thorough cleaning and x-ray is often the first step. Our veterinarians can then discuss any symptoms of gum disease, or other problems such as broken teeth, abscesses, or a tumor. Recommendations will then be offered to improve any conditions noted. Our veterinarians may suggest services including:

  • Increased teeth cleaning;
  • Tooth extractions/limited oral surgery; or
  • At-home pet dental care.

Preventative maintenance that can be performed at home includes daily tooth brushing and the use of effective pet dental products.

Excellence in Pet Dentistry

Pets have unique needs and often require specialized veterinary care. Our veterinarians and staff at Westside Animal Clinic provide a wide variety of oral health services and can treat gum disease and other serious issues in dogs and cats. Call (605) 878-7297 to schedule a pet dental care visit today.

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